Keep reading for a free quick-reference guide!
I grew up asthmatic as a child and had pneumonia at least ten times, bronchitis more times than I can count, and several respiratory illnesses. At one time, I was on three prescription asthma medications and over-the-counter allergy support just to survive. I was sick every winter and had to use a nebulizer with prescriptions daily.
When my own child was diagnosed with allergies as a toddler and prescribed daily medication, I knew I wanted to find a better way. Through natural care, we were able to completely reverse the symptoms.
As a holistic practitioner with five children, I’ve had plenty of practice dealing with respiratory illness in all ages, and through years of research and real-life experience, I’ve learned how to support lung health naturally—both for daily wellness and during times of illness.
Daily Lung Health Support
Lung health isn’t just about getting through sickness—it’s about building a strong foundation year-round. A well-nourished body has the resilience to fight off respiratory infections and maintain clear, healthy lungs.
Nutritional Support for Lung Health The foods we eat play a crucial role in lung function, reducing inflammation, and keeping airways clear. Here are key nutrients and foods that support optimal respiratory health:
- Animal Fats: Tallow, ghee, and fatty meats provide essential fatty acids that nourish cell membranes and reduce lung inflammation.
- Vitamin A: Found in beef liver, cod liver oil, and grass-fed meats, vitamin A is essential for mucosal health, helping to keep lung tissue strong and resilient.
- Probiotic Foods: Sauerkraut, kefir, and other fermented foods support gut health, which is closely linked to immune and respiratory function.
- Warm Cooked Foods: Bone broth, soups, and warm stews support digestion and provide easily absorbable minerals.
- Unrefined Mineral Salts: Celtic sea salt and other natural salts provide electrolytes needed for hydration and proper cellular function.
- Animal Proteins: High-quality protein is necessary for immune function, healing, and muscle strength—including the muscles involved in breathing.
What to Avoid Certain foods contribute to inflammation and mucus buildup, making respiratory conditions worse. These include:
- Grains (unless properly prepared using traditional Weston A. Price methods)
- Refined sugar
- Packaged and processed foods
When someone in our home comes down with an illness, I immediately set up a gate at the kitchen.

Treats, sweets and dairy go on the top shelf for “out of sight out of mind” and I immediately start bones on the stove for soup, if I don’t have any bone broth handy.
I’ll add vegetables my children like, such as carrots, celery and potatoes, and they will eat them soft-cooked with broth. No pasta unless it’s grain free, but honestly it’s easier to just skip it. The treats can come out again later, it’s not forever! But full-stop on all inflammatory items.
Detox and Lung Cleansing Support
Lungs naturally detoxify, but sometimes they need extra support.
- Castor Oil Packs: Applied to the chest, these help reduce inflammation and support lymphatic drainage. I’ll often add a small drop of Hyssop or Frankincense to it to increase the effects and comfort them.
- Detox Baths:
- 1 cup Epsom salt
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/4 cup food-grade hydrogen peroxide
- Soak for 20–30 minutes to help pull toxins out through the skin and support lymphatic flow.
- A single drop of Young Living Melrose usually goes into the water as well at our house.
- Lung-Supportive Herbs: Thyme, Eucalyptus and oregano support lung function and clear mucus. We use these most often in essential oil form.
- Vitamin Support: Vitamin D, C, A, and B-complex are all crucial for lung function and immune resilience.
Cod Liver Oil for Respiratory Health
Studies have shown that cod liver oil has powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the lungs. I personally recommend taking it daily and increasing the dosage during illness. One of my clients was able to take their child off daily asthma medication by supplementing with cod liver oil at three times the recommended daily dose! We take a lot of it when sick, it’s incredibly supportive.
Sick Day Lung Support
When illness hits, quick action makes a difference. Don’t wait for full-blown hacking to break out the supports – start at the soonest sniffle you notice.

Essential Oils for Lung Health:
- Young Living R.C.: Opens airways and supports respiratory function. It has three varieties of Eucalyptus, offering very comprehensive support. It’s a favorite of ours; I’m never ever without it.
- Frankincense: Reduces inflammation and supports immune function; supports cellular health and healing.
- Valor: Helps with deep breathing and relaxation; calms the body and mind, brings comfort to heads and supports the energetic flow through the spine.
Nebulizer Therapy Using a nebulizer with natural remedies can be a game-changer for respiratory illness. For details, check out my blog post on nebulizer use, which includes a free natural nebulizer guide.
Hydration at the Cellular Level Drinking water isn’t enough—you need to ensure that water actually gets into your cells. This requires trace minerals, which help transport water across cell membranes.
Certain Homeopathy reminds the body how to use minerals properly. You can think of it like this: Trace minerals are the Lego blocks, and homeopathy is the instruction manual for how to assemble them. I recommend Rehydrate by Energetix and/or Cell Salts along with your trace minerals and extra clean water to ensure full hydration at a cellular level.
In my practice, I often find a patient’s nervous system is regulated simply by adding one of the above items. A body that is deregulated cannot heal. It’s of upmost importance to hydrate well!
Natural Throat and Cough Remedies:
- Young Living Chest Rub: A natural and very effective alternative to conventional vapor rubs.
- Gaia Children’s Cough Syrup: A gentle but effective herbal remedy.
Back in the day, our parents had Vicks and Robitussin. They did their best! But now we know better. These two items are absolutely phenomenal and I’ve never “needed” anything over the counter when using them!
Vitamin C to Bowel Tolerance Vitamin C is a powerful immune booster, and during illness, the body’s need for it skyrockets. Take it to bowel tolerance—which means increasing the dose until stools become loose, then backing off slightly. We have discussed this at length in our community group!

Giving Remedies Consistently
One of the biggest mistakes people make with natural remedies is not using them often enough. A remedy should be given every hour to two hours minimum to keep the body continually supported. With the exception of classic homeopathic remedy dosing, which is for another post; if unsure, follow the instructions on the packaging.
This is the main place I see families "go wrong" when treating things naturally.
We are so used to the "24 hour strength" otc meds, that we don't realize this won't work for natural medicines. They're not the same.
The body works synergistically with natural medicines, utilizing them quickly! Giving the body something every 1-2 hours is the key to keeping it optimally supported.
Supporting lung health naturally takes a holistic approach—daily nutrition, detoxification, hydration, and proper use of remedies all play a role. By building a strong foundation and knowing how to respond quickly when illness strikes, you can help yourself and your family breathe easy year-round.
YOU can be your child's healer!
And to help you, I've condensed this post into a one-page printable for when sickness hits. It's free for you.
If you’d like in-the-moment community support, join our facebook chats where we talk about these things and help each other in the most stressful moments!