The Hidden Role of Trace Minerals: What You’re Missing Out On!

In today’s world, where our food sources are largely depleted of essential nutrients, taking trace minerals daily is no longer just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. Trace minerals, though needed in small amounts, play a huge role in your body's overall health and well-being. Without them, the vital chemical processes that keep you healthy and energized simply can’t function properly. Let me explain why these humble minerals are key to unlocking your best health and why you should make them a daily part of your wellness routine.

The Benefits of Trace Minerals

Our bodies rely on more than just vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates for health. You may have heard me say, we as people are a "lab on legs!" We’re actually a walking set of complex chemical reactions, and many of these processes are dependent on trace minerals. Whether it's brain function, energy production, or even our emotional well-being, trace minerals act as critical co-factors in hundreds of enzymatic reactions.

They help build strong bones, support hormone production, promote mental clarity, and enable detoxification. Trace minerals like magnesium, zinc, selenium, and iron are absolutely essential for immune function, cognitive ability, and even your mood. Magnesium, for example, plays a significant role in relaxing muscles, regulating blood pressure, and supporting mental health. When your body is deprived of these essential minerals, you’ll notice fatigue, brain fog, and increased susceptibility to illness.

But here’s the catch: modern agriculture and food processing have depleted our soils of these critical nutrients. For example, research shows that today’s apples contain only 4% of the nutrition that they did 100 years ago. So even if you’re eating healthy, you’re still not getting enough trace minerals! 

Prescriptions medications also affect mineral status. In fact, several of them deplete minerals that are important for balancing the very issues they treat! For example, Prozac depletes the body's selenium because of how it interacts in the GI tract. Well, selenium is crucial to the body's neurotransmitter balance (read: mood chemicals). The result? Exacerbated symptoms of depression and anxiety. This is just one example. 

Stress also depletes our body's trace mineral stores. Did you know that if your cortisol is high, you will lose more trace minerals through your bladder than usual? Again, just one example of many! 

Keeping your trace mineral intake and absorption high means your body can respond well to the above depletions. 

Becky Webb, FNTP, RCPC:
“A deficiency in minerals like Magnesium and other minerals like copper cause a loss of enzyme reactions where the body can no longer tolerate histamines. If you don’t have the proper minerals you can’t make enzymes like DAO, SOD and others that decrease allergic reactions. So mineral Essence helps support the creation of those enzymes so that mass cell activation or histamine reactions don’t present.  
The great thing about YL’s *mineral essence* is that it has minerals helpful for this and cofactors needed to get the minerals in the cells. For example, the B6 in the Royal jelly. It is by far one of our best products.”

How Trace Minerals Protect Against Heavy Metal Toxicity

One of the lesser-known benefits of maintaining a healthy mineral status is protection against heavy metal absorption. I’ve often shared that a well-nourished body is much less susceptible to absorbing harmful substances like lead or mercury. 

Trace minerals, particularly zinc, selenium, and magnesium, play a key role in blocking the uptake of toxic metals.

Selenium, for instance, has been shown to bind to mercury, rendering it less harmful to the body, while zinc competes with lead, preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Taking trace minerals daily, especially from a high-quality source can help your body stay resilient against environmental toxins.

The Modern Mineral Deficiency Problem
Now, I know what you're thinking: "But I eat organic! I eat a varied diet!" The truth is, even if you eat well, the soil depletion issue still affects you. A shocking 98% of people in developed countries are mineral deficient. This is because of multiple factors. I'll name a few. 

- Modern farming practices strip the soil of its mineral content. Commercial agriculture today contains less than 5% of the mineral matrix that foods were meant to have.

-High oxidative stress from environmental exposure, intake of toxins from products and food, and even the air. 

-Stress. The general cadence of our lives lends itself to stress, which requires excess minerals to survive. Stress depletes our minerals at a faster rate.

This depletion means that even a healthy diet may not be enough to meet your daily mineral requirements. And without enough minerals, your body starts cutting corners. In fact, when you don’t get enough minerals, your body has to make hard choices about which systems to prioritize. 

Your body will always prioritize the most vital functions to keep you alive, like your heart and lungs, leaving little for less critical systems like your skin, hair, or even mood regulation. Over time, this leads to rapid aging, mental fog, low energy, and a host of other issues.

I had been suffering with a fast heart beat for about two years off and on. I had several tests done and had been told my heart was fine. Still very annoying, especially when you want to go to sleep at night, to have your heart racing.
I stopped all caffeine, drank more water, but it was only when I used Young Living Mineral Essence, 5 droppers in the am in a half cup of juice, that I have seen relief!
I am very thankful for this supplement from Young Living, so that I don't have to feel like I could die from a heart attack at any minute!

Magnesium: The Unsung Hero of Mental and Physical Health

One of the most important trace minerals is magnesium, often called "the happy mineral" for its role in mental and emotional balance. 

It is responsible for over 300 enzymatic processes in the body, including muscle relaxation, brain function, and even hormone health. Without magnesium, you’re running your body at a fraction of its full potential. But here's the thing: most Americans are deficient in magnesium. Stress, sugar consumption, and poor diets all contribute to this widespread issue.

For every gram of refined sugar you consume, your body requires 2.41 grams of magnesium just to process it. 

So, if you’re eating sugar regularly but not replenishing your magnesium stores, you’re constantly running on empty. Taking magnesium supplements while consuming refined sugars is like scooping water out of a leaky boat—you need to plug the leak by addressing your magnesium intake!

Why I Take Minerals Daily + How to Choose a Supplement

This is where supplementing comes in. Trace Minerals and Magnesium are daily staples in my health routine. 

I choose the one I do because it not only contains one of the broadest mineral profiles of any supplement (over 62 trace minerals!), but it also has highly purified essential oils that aid absorption. This blend includes ionic magnesium, which is vital for mental clarity, hormone balance, and emotional stability. I personally noticed the difference when I began taking it, and trust me, you’ll feel it too—no more afternoon slumps, improved mood, and better focus.

What sets it apart is its whole spectrum of minerals sourced from nature, specifically The Great Salt Lake, where minerals have been naturally concentrated over time. Just like when you eat a whole food like a carrot, you're getting a full range of nutrients designed by nature—Mineral Essence provides you with a similarly complete profile of essential minerals that your body needs daily. PLUS the herbs it's blended with help with absorption.

Something I come across often in my practice is people needing healing in their "gut" are not absorbing the supplements they're taking. Often I'll see someone who supplements still scanning low for things. And when they do, I'll see corresponding factors such as probiotic issues or intestinal membrane issues. 

A supplement like the ones I recommend helps bypass these issues because of their high bioavailability and synergistic herbal components. 

In other words, the supplements I'm recommending are easy for your body to absorb, so you actually get the value and benefits you want from them. 

For 5-6 years now, I’ve been graced with what I assumed was a horrible seasonal allergy. Every fall, I would intermittently wake up with swollen, red, itchy skin around my eyes. Not only was this incredibly frustrating, but it was also a huge source of embarrassment for me. A skin allergy on most parts of the body is easy to mask, but the eyes are the window to the soul.
tried nearly everything— supplements, liver cleanses, face creams and I even went so far as to see an allergist. The allergist told me it was due to dust mites and that I would need regular allergy shots (hard pass!)
This fall was different, though. A few weeks ago I realized that the annual rash hadn’t made an appearance…and of course, I was ecstatic, but my curiosity also kicked in. What was I doing differently?
The only thing that I was consistently doing differently than in years past was drinking a mineral cocktail every day. I began digging to see what the connection could be…and what I found was astounding.
Many of us don’t know much about minerals let alone how important they are to our health. They are so important, in fact, that two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling once said that every disease and every ailment can be traced to a mineral deficiency.

Every single day, your body requires trace minerals to perform thousands of vital functions. From boosting energy and mental clarity to protecting against heavy metals and supporting your immune system, trace minerals are foundational to your well-being. Without them, your body can’t fully absorb the vitamins you take or complete the hundreds of chemical reactions required for optimal health.

So, if you’re not consciously adding trace minerals to your diet, you’re missing out on real wellness!

My name is Linda and I've been suffering from severe depression for over 10 years. The depression started when my mom died. I was in denial about my depression, but in the last several years, I've noticed that it had got worse.
I had found Young Living through a co-worker about 2 years ago. I didn't realize then that these were more than "good smelling oils". They actually have a purpose. The oils have healing properties, which I have recently discovered.
Over a month ago, I went to see a psychiatrist. She diagnosed me with clinical depression. She then began to write out a prescription for meds. I told her I didn't want drugs. She looked at me puzzled and said, "Well, why did you come to me then?" I said, "For a solution for my depression, not a cover up".
After that visit, I realized that I would have to live like this and just deal with it. Then, I received an email from my upline. The title of the email was "Depression". I must have read it several times.
I immediately purchased several oils. They were Joy, Abundance, Rutavela, Valor and Mineral Essence. I applied all of the oils on my feet, as well as around my neck and pulse points. I then took Mineral Essence orally, 5 droppers twice a day for a week and then 1-2 droppers twice a day for the next week. I continued this until the depression was gone. It took 2 weeks for my depression to fully dissipate.
I continue to use my oils daily and I won't live without them now!

Start paying attention to your trace mineral intake, and equally important, how you feel once supplemented, and see how this simple addition to your routine can transform your health. 

I know it will!

The secret to BLOCKING heavy metals in your body!

 Did you know that your mineral levels might hold the key to unlocking safer eating and less worries?

In this short, power-packed clip, I dive deep into a simple but powerful truth: a healthy mineral status can protect you from heavy metal toxicity—but most of us don’t realize how important and easy this actually is!

In this episode, you’ll discover:
  • How lacking in essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, and selenium could leave your body more vulnerable to heavy metals.
  • Why heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium can stick around in your system when your mineral reserves are low—and what you can do to change that!
  • The top foods you should be eating to naturally boost your mineral stores and shield yourself from toxic exposure.
This is a must-listen if you’re serious about keeping your body balanced and supported in a toxic world. 

Tap the orange button below to listen now and find out how to take control of your mineral levels for better health!

And if you want to read more about trace minerals and all they do, what you might be missing out on and how they can help you, head to this blog post

Want to find out what minerals I use and why? Read this.

I hope this helps you!
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